Chingiz Mustafayev Truth

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TruthChingiz Mustafayev

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Chingiz Mustafayev Truth I testi

I'm in the mirror
So freaking bitter
But I've gotta get through
I'm gonna get through

Keep it together
Be cool under pressure
Cause she wants to break you
She wants to break you

Drink till I forget
She's on to the next
And when the ghost starts screaming
Right when they resonate
Hear my heart confess

It's been so hard to bear
So shut up about it
shut up about it
It's just to hard to hear
So shut up about it
shut up about it


So shut up
shut up about it

Out of the mirror
It's getting clearer
Then out of the blue
She crashes the room

Gotta remember
She is a killer
With that freaking perfume
Girl, it's too soon

It's been so hard to bear
So shut up about it
shut up about it
It's just to hard to hear
So shut up about it
shut up about it


So shut up
shut up about it


So shut up
shut up about it

I don’t need I don’t need the truth
I don’t need I don’t need the truth

It's been so hard to bear
So shut up about it
shut up about it
It's just to hard to hear
So shut up about it
shut up about it


So shut up
shut up about it


So shut up
shut up about it


chingiz mustafayev truth
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