Charlotte Cardin Romeo

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RomeoCharlotte Cardin

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Charlotte Cardin Romeo I testi

I was born
In '94
Or anyways
Love you more
Made for me
In '93
A flower in a garden
And on repeat
Listenin' to radio, radio
Baby, you're my rodeo, rodeo
You could be my Romeo, Romeo
Listenin' to Radio (head), Radio (head)
Baby, you're my rodeo (yeah), rodeo (yeah)
You could be my Romeo, Romeo
Marry me
When you're free
No pressure, I'm lucky
And on repeat
Listenin' to radio, radio
Baby, you're my rodeo, rodeo
You could be my Romeo, Romeo
Listenin' to Radio (head), Radio (head)
Baby, you're my rodeo (yeah), rodeo (yeah)
You could be my Romeo, Romeo
Listenin' to Radio (head), Radio (head)
Baby, you're my rodeo (yeah), rodeo (yeah)
You could be my Romeo, Romeo
Listenin' to Radio (head), Radio (head)
Baby, you're my rodeo (yeah), rodeo (yeah)
You could be my Romeo (oh)


charlotte cardin romeo
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