Charlie Puth feat Kehlani-Done For Me

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feat Kehlani-Done For MeCharlie Puth

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Tempo: 03:00 Dimensioni:: 2.77 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 8



Charlie Puth feat Kehlani-Done For Me I testi

Ooh, ooh-oh-oh

What you thinking?

You think that you could be better off with somebody new

(No, oh, oh, baby, no)

You say you're leaving

Well, if you wanna leave, there ain't nobody stopping you

(No, oh, oh, baby, no)

I won't beg for your love

Won't say, please

I won't fall to the ground on my knees

You know I've given this everything

Baby, honestly, baby, honestly

I lied for you, baby

I'd die for you, baby

I've cried for you, baby

But tell me what you've done for me

For you, baby, and only you, baby

The things I do, baby

But tell me what you've done for me

I never cheated

Deleted everyone 'cause they made you uncomfortable

(No, oh, oh, baby, no)

These accusations

I can't apologize for something that I didn't do

(No, oh, oh, baby, no)

I won't beg for your love
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