Buray My Life Is Going On

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My Life Is Going OnBuray

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Tempo: 00:53 Dimensioni:: 851.12 Kb Download: 0 Viste: 6


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Buray My Life Is Going On I testi

If I stay with you, if I'm choosing wrong

I don't care at all

If I'm losing now, but I'm winning late

That's all I want

Now we need some space, 'cause I feel for you

And I wanna change

Growing up alone, it seems so short

I can't explain

Whatever happens in the future, trust in destiny

Don't try to make anything else even when you feel

I don't care at all

I am lost

I don't care at all

Lost my time, my life is going on

I will be so strong, looking for a new version of myself

Cause now all I want is to be a part of my new world

Whatever happens in the future, trust in destiny

Don't try to make anything else even when you feel

I don't care at all

I am lost

I don't care at all

Why not have it all

I am lost

I don't care at all

Lost my time, my life is going on


buray life going
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