Burak Yeter Friday Night

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Friday NightBurak Yeter

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Tempo: 02:45 Dimensioni:: 2.53 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 77


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Burak Yeter Friday Night I testi

The work has been done and the boss is gone
Baby, I'm on my way to you
Friday night
I missed your embrace, seven lonely days
There are so many kisses due
Friday night
The week has been long, but our love is strong
And tonight we will start a new
Friday night
The taste of the wine will be so divine
When I'm sharin' my glass with you
Friday night
Since Friday night
I've been so lonely
Tell me why
You kiss me only
Only Friday night
The more I kiss you (Friday night)
The more I miss you (Every night)
My love's too big for (Only Friday night)
The work has been done and the boss is gone
Baby, I'm on my way to you
Friday night
I missed your embrace, seven lonely days
There are so many kisses due
Friday night


burak yeter friday night
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