Bring Me the Horizon Throne

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ThroneBring Me the Horizon

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Tempo: 03:13 Dimensioni:: 2.97 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 2



Bring Me the Horizon Throne I testi

Remember the moment you left me alone and

Broke every promise you ever made

I was an ocean, lost in the open

Nothing could take the pain away

So you can throw me to the wolves

Tomorrow I will come back

Leader of the whole pack

Beat me black and blue

Every wound will shape me

Every scar will build my throne

The sticks and the stones that

You used to throw have

Built me an empire

So don't even try

To cry me a river

'Cause I forgive you

You are the reason I still fight

So you can throw me to the wolves

Tomorrow I will come back

Leader of the whole pack

Beat me black and blue

Every wound will shape me

Every scar will build my throne

So you can throw me to the wolves

Tomorrow I will come back

Leader of the whole pack

Beat me black and blue

Every wound will shape me



bring the horizon throne
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