Bring Me the Horizon Medicine

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MedicineBring Me the Horizon

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Tempo: 03:58 Dimensioni:: 3.65 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 4

Bring Me the Horizon - Medicine - Videoclip

Tempo: 03:58 Dimensioni: 19.62 Mb Formato: .mp4 Download: 0 Viste: 4



Bring Me the Horizon Medicine I testi

Some people are a lot like clouds, you know

(Clouds, you know, clouds, you know)

'Cause life's so much brighter when they go

You rained on my heart for far too long (Far too long)

Couldn't see the thunder for the storm

Because I cut my teeth and bit my tongue

'Till my mouth was dripping blood

But I never dished the dirt, just held my breath

While you dragged me through the mud

I don't know why I tried to save you 'cause

I can't save you from yourself

When all you give a shit about is everybody else

And you just can't quit, why don't you deal with it?

I think it's time to stop

You need a taste of your own medicine

'Cause I'm sick to death of swallowing

Watch me take the wheel like you, not feel like you

Act like nothing's real like you

So, I'm sorry for this…


bring the horizon medicine
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