Bebe Rexha Knees

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KneesBebe Rexha

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Tempo: 03:28 Dimensioni:: 3.19 Mb Download: 2 Viste: 8



Bebe Rexha Knees I testi

Sittin' in a parked car

We don't even fight no more

We don't even touch no more

Used to be my best friend

We don't even laugh no more

Barely even talk no more

You wanna hold my hand and then you won't

You say you love me then you don't

You keeping me running and running around

If I'm not all you need

Then just set me free

I'm down on my knees

If you're not the one for me

Then just let me be

I'm begging you please

I'm praying for closed doors and open windows

I'll follow where the wind blows

Don't be scared to leave

If I'm not all you need

Then just set me free

I'm down on my knees, tonight

We used to go out on dates

Now you don't wanna go no place

It feels like we're stuck in one place

I wish I could read your mind

Instead I gotta read your eyes

Oh, why they tell me…


bebe rexha knees
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