Bebe Rexha I Got You

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I Got YouBebe Rexha

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Tempo: 03:16 Dimensioni:: 3.02 Mb Download: 3 Viste: 17



Bebe Rexha I Got You I testi

I can see you hurting

I've been through the same thing

Baby, don't you worry, I got you

I just wanna know you

Tell me all your secrets

Lookin' like you need it

'Cause I got you, you, oh

You, I got you, I got you

'Cause I got you, you, oh

You, I got you, I got you

We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah

We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah

Let me be your friend

Baby, let me in

Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah

We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah

Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah

Let me be your friend

Baby, let me in

Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah

Tell me what you're thinkin'

Always over thinkin'

I just wanna love you, I got you

Don't have to be so guarded

Let's finish what we started

It's all I ever wanted

'Cause I got you, you, oh

You, I got you, I got you

We can get high, oh,…


bebe rexha got you
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