Balthazar Wrong Faces

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Wrong FacesBalthazar

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Balthazar Wrong Faces I testi

I'm diving in your hair
I'm diving in your scent
I'm surfing your moods
I am surfing 'till the end
'Cause the fever of anticipation's running through our veins
'Till I get its own connotation chasing its own remains
It never leaves me, comes to me once too often
But I'm not the man who would want show I act to soften
So go ahead now
And I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't
I don't wanna know if you don't wanna show
It's alright, alright, alright, alright
It's alright to me, 'cause honey, I see
You got to be free
Now I'm traveling, traveling, traveling all around
But without you next to me, it just does not count
I'm calling it out on the streets and all the wrong places
Whoever's there to meet, I kiss all the wrong faces
It never leaves me, comes to me once too often
But I'm not the man who would want show I act to soften
So go ahead now
And I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't
I don't wanna know if you don't wanna to show
It's alright, alright, alright, alright
It's alright to me, 'cause honey, I see
You got to be free


balthazar wrong faces
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