Ayo & Teo Fallen Angels

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Fallen AngelsAyo & Teo

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Tempo: 03:46 Dimensioni:: 3.47 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 70


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Ayo & Teo Fallen Angels I testi

Said you wouldn't walk away
I know I make it hard to stay
The devil make it hard to pray
Hit the climax okay
Burning holes, fallen souls
Ice on my wrist so I stay cold
Chosen for the fame
I'll make sure you know my name
Burning holes, fallen souls
Ice on my wrist so I stay cold
Chosen for the fame
I'll make sure you know my name
I'm not chosen for the flames
Fallen angels in my way
I'm not chosen for the flames
Fallen angels in my way
Quit revealing your spell
Know this feeling too well
Quit revealing your spell
Know this feeling too well
I feel it I feel it I feel the devil watching me
I hear it I hear it I hear the voices calling me
I see it I see it I see that person stalking me
These demons these demons they starting to get onto me


ayo teo fallen angels
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