Aurora It Happened Quiet

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It Happened QuietAurora

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Aurora It Happened Quiet I testi

Eyes blue and hollow
As it rains against their will
Feathers falling out of the pillow
As if time is standing still
I can't remember much more
But I know it happened quiet
So quiet
Words falling out through the window
All that remains is a silent call
Is the earth colored red?
As I land like a flower on the meadow
Love is wild
You fell apart
Like a stone can be broken into sand
A thousand pieces
Spread across a crying land
And you can't remember that day
But you know it happened quiet
So quiet
Words falling out through the window
All that remains is a silent call
Is the earth colored red?
As I land like a flower on the meadow
Love is wild
Ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh, ooh
Are our dreams as dead as they seem?
Are our dreams as dead as they seem?
Don't you speak over my voice
I will return from the shadows
And I'll bleed in your bed
Turn it red
Like the ground outside your window
Love is wild
Love is wild
Love is wild
Love is wild
Love is wild


aurora happened quiet
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