Athena I Love Mud On Face

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I Love Mud On FaceAthena

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Athena I Love Mud On Face I testi

Athena - I Love Mud On Face Sözleri

I used to have trouble every minute every second a day

Without fainess ends ohh, it´s so what I want

Love to make it, love to shake it

But it can never bring me down

I stand like a rock x2

That´s all I do a lot

I can fly, I can try

I love mud on my face x4

One-two-three go!

Oy I´m a shameless black pack joker

They´re trying to tramp me, doesn´t matter

I go deeper deeper deeper

I will - what I taste

You can never find me

You can never catch me

I am naughty x2

I can fly, I can try

I love mud on my face x7


athena love mud face
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