Armin Van Buuren Virtual Friend

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Virtual FriendArmin Van Buuren

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Tempo: 07:10 Dimensioni:: 6.58 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 21


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Armin Van Buuren Virtual Friend I testi

Autumn leaves we treat as litter
People living on a bench
Childhood friends who lost contact
Fallen soldiers in a trench
By the way are you watching?
How the world says goodbye
Autumn leaves we treat as litter
People living on a bench
Childhood friends who lost contact
Fallen soldiers in a trench
By the way are you watching?
How the world says goodbye
Plastic islands in the ocean
Violent storms drop atom bombs
Hidden women walking slowly
Desperate men sing sacred songs
By the way are you watching?
How the world says goodbye
By the way are you watching?
How the world says goodbye
City boy selling countries
Surgeons lifting sagging skin
Sitting by software windows
Trying to find a virtual friend
By the way are you watching?
How the world says farewell
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