Anne Marie Problems

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Anne Marie Problems I testi

I think being in love with you is bad for my health, but
I can’t see me doing this with no one else, so
guess I can’t be blaming anyone but myself, hey, ay
Yeah, I know today I called you like a hundred times, but
Yesterday you called me like a hundred and five, and
There’s nobody else that I want by my side, hey, ay

Yeah, on a bad day, still have a great time
Drunk off our face, listening to red, red wine
We’ll be ok, we’ll laugh, and we’ll cry
On rainy day’s you’re still my sunshine

We got, problems
but I, need you
So, we, deal with it, haha ah
Don’t trust, both of us
But I, want to
So, let’s, deal with it, yeah

Never been that person who believes in love
Ever, since I met you, I let it fuck me up, but
Lately, I been thinking bout a ring and stuff, hey, ay
And I never wanted somebody else’s name, but
This shit really got me, really going insane
And the Thing that’s really crazy is you feel the same, hey, hey

We got, problems
but I, need you
So, we, deal with it, ahh, yo
Don’t trust, both of us
But I, want to
So, let’s, deal with it, yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause I love you
And I need you
Yeah, I want you
So, guess I’ll deal with it.

We got, problems
but I, need you
So, we, deal with it haha


anne marie problems
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