Anastacia Not That Kind

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Not That KindAnastacia

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Anastacia Not That Kind I testi

All the time that we spend together
I won't fuss, I won't fight
Tryin' to make you mine
You know I'm not that kind
Huh whoo c'mon
I said I'd love you til the twelfth of never
But I won't run far ahead leaving you behind
You know I'm not that kind
'Cause I'm not that kinda girl
And it's not my kinda world
No it's not for me
Not where I want to be
Help me out, tell me what you're thinking
If I run, slow me down, you can take your time
You know I'm not that kind
Yeah woo
If you leave, I believe life will go on
Wind will blow, water flow, and the sun will shine
You know I'm not that kind
'Cause I'm not that kinda girl
And it's not my kinda world
No it's not for me
So let me set you free
Now what I say to you, I would say to no other
I've got my friends, I won't look for another in you,
Yeah, so what you gonna do, yeah yeah yeah
'Cause if you swing with me, you soon will discover
I'll give you tenderness unlike any other can do
And what I say is true, yeah
'Cause I'm not that kinda girl
And it's not my kinda world
No it's not for me, not for me
Said not where I want to be,
Said not where I want to be yeah
It's not my kinda thing,
It's not the way,
Way I want to swing
It's not for you, it's not for me,
I said my baby I'm not that kind,
I'm not that kind yeah, yeah, Yeah
No, not that kinda girl


anastacia not that kind
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