Akcent My Passion

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My PassionAkcent

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Tempo: 04:09 Dimensioni:: 3.81 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 94


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Akcent My Passion I testi

I still got feelings you are my passion
You are the one for me
I still got feelings you are my passion
You are the one for me
Can you, can you hear me say
When I'm moving closer
You keep going away
'cause you're my guilty pleasure
And you caught me so tight
I wanna love you always
Let's smile into the night
Don't let go
Don't run away love
I still got feelings you are my passion
Don't let go
Don't run away love
You are the one for me
You are the one for me
Can you, can you see the flame
That burns inside my body
Every time you are here
'cause you're the one I dream of
Everyday and night
Don't give away my feelings
And come into my life
Don't let go
Don't run away love
I still got feelings you are my passion
Don't let go
Don't run away love
You are the one for me
You are the one for me
Don't let go
Don't run away love
I still got feelings you are my passion
Don't let go
Don't run away love
You are the one for me
You are the one for me


akcent passion
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