Akcent feat Sandra-Boracay

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feat Sandra-BoracayAkcent

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Akcent feat Sandra-Boracay I testi

It's nice to know
That you were there
If you wanna touch the sky
If you wanna high to fly
You just need to close your eyes
Until the sun
It will rise, it will rise
Keep the music in your mind
And let everything behind
Let the beat to be the light
Dance all the night
All the night, all the night
Fly to me in
Boracay Boracay Boracay x 3
May be this is Friday night
Or even the Sunday light
Let the beat to be your guide
Until the sun
It will rise, it will rise
If you wanna cross the line
Bring another cup of wine
We just have to realise
This is the place
Where the fun never dies
Fly to me in
Boracay Boracay Boracay x 3
Hey DJ x 3
Fly to me in
Boracay Boracay Boracay x 3
It's nice to know
That you were there


akcent feat sandra boracay
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