Ace of Base Beautiful Life

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Beautiful LifeAce of Base

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Tempo: 03:42 Dimensioni:: 3.40 Mb Download: 9 Viste: 30

Ace of Base - Beautiful Life - Videoclip

Tempo: 03:42 Dimensioni: 19.34 Mb Formato: .mp4 Download: 6 Viste: 30



Ace of Base Beautiful Life I testi

Ace of Base - Beautiful Life Sözleri

You can do what you want just seize the day

What you're doing tomorrow's gonna come your way

Don't you ever consider giving up,

you will find, oooh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

I just wanna be here beside you

And stay until the break of dawn

Take a walk in the park when you feel down

There's so many things there

that's gonna lift you up

See the nature in bloom a laughing child

Such a dream, oooh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

It's a beautiful life, oh o-o-oh

I just wanna be here beside you (oh, yeah, alright)

I just wanna be here beside you

and stay until the break of dawn

You're looking for somewhere to belong

You're standing all alone

for someone to guide you on your way


ace base beautiful life
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