Accept Teutonic Terror

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Teutonic TerrorAccept

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Tempo: 05:31 Dimensioni:: 5.07 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 9



Accept Teutonic Terror I testi

Back to the front lines, back to the night
Medieval marauders, under the lights
Back for the plunder, the thrill of the flames
The roar of the thunder, back in the game
Storming the castles, swords in the air
Killing the monsters in their own lair
Lighting the torches, setting the stage
You get what you ask for, right in the face
Six string sabers, screams in the night
War clubs pounding, living just for the fight
So we drive, through the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Teutonic terror
We will, give em' the axe
We will, give em' the axe
String up the razors, sharpen the blades
Tighten the skins up, no one escapes
Crank up the grindstone, load up the sleds
Saddle the horses, off with their heads!
Six string sabers, screams in the night
War clubs pounding, living just for the fight
So we drive, through the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Teutonic terror
We will, give em' the axe
We will, give em' the axe
For the roar, of the crowd
For the raging frontal attack
Delivering the Teutonic terror
We will, give em' the axe
We will, give em' the axe
So we drive, through the night
With the howling wind at our backs
Riding on Teutonic terror
We will, give em' the axe
For the roar, of the crowd
For the raging frontal attack
Delivering the Teutonic terror
We will, give em' the axe
We will, give em' the axe


accept teutonic terror
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