24kGoldn A Lot To Lose

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A Lot To Lose24kGoldn

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Tempo: 03:02 Dimensioni:: 2.80 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 6



24kGoldn A Lot To Lose I testi

Take a look at my lifestyle right now, a lot for me to lose

Got a lot for me to prove

Take a look at my lifestyle right now, a lot for me to lose

Ain't always in the right like right now, a lot for me to prove

Say you love me, but you hate me at the same time (same time)

Said I love you, but you told me that you ain't mine (nah)

Take a look at my lifestyle right now, a lot for me to lose

You say you don't know me anymore (more)

What we fighting for? (For)

I thought you were tripping when you asked me

"Do you even love me anymore?" (More)

Now I do not know (know)

'Cause you been acting different since the last week

No time to fight now (no)

Barely got time for me

Can't afford to lose right now

I'm just chasing my dreams

Ups and downs, get me off this roller…


24kgoldn lot lose
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