The Neighbourhood W.D.Y.W.F.M.?

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W.D.Y.W.F.M.?The Neighbourhood

Მუსიკის გადმოწერა

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The Neighbourhood - W.D.Y.W.F.M.? დამატებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიაში!
The Neighbourhood - W.D.Y.W.F.M.? ამოღებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიიდან!
დარეგისტრირდით ან შედით თქვენს საყვარელ მუსიკალურ სიაში დასამატებლად!

Შესვლა ან Შექმენი ანგარიში
ხანგრძლივობა: 04:12 განზომილება: 3.86 Mb ჩამოტვირთვები: 1 ხედები: 8


სიმღერაზე კომენტარი არ გაკეთებულა. გააკეთე პირველი კომენტარი!

The Neighbourhood W.D.Y.W.F.M.? Ტექსტი

The Neighbourhood W.D.Y.W.F.M? Şarkı Sözleri Tonight's a go, she got that look in her eyes
Kaleidoscope, but that's only half the time
Three days before she told me that I don't even try
She's crazy, through, I guess there's something wrong inside
Maybe you're right, maybe this is all that I can be
But what if it's you, and it wasn't me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me? 
Four weeks ahead, I thought that I should think some more
I'm fucked in the head, and my mind is turning into a whore
Five months go by, and I thought about letting her go
She's crazy, though, and I guess she took control
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no
Maybe you're right, maybe this is all that I can be
But what if it's you, and it wasn't me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
Maybe she's right, maybe I'm wrong
Maybe we'll fight 'til it moves us along
I can't deny writing a song
Hoping she'll find she's not alone
Maybe you're right, maybe this is all that I can be
But what if it's you, and it wasn't me?
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?


the neighbourhood wdywfm
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