Taylor Swift Sweeter Than Fiction

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Sweeter Than FictionTaylor Swift

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Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction დამატებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიაში!
Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction ამოღებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიიდან!
დარეგისტრირდით ან შედით თქვენს საყვარელ მუსიკალურ სიაში დასამატებლად!

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ხანგრძლივობა: 03:54 განზომილება: 3.59 Mb ჩამოტვირთვები: 3 ხედები: 172


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Taylor Swift Sweeter Than Fiction Ტექსტი

Taylor Swift Sweeter Than Fiction Şarkı Sözleri

Hit the ground, hit the ground, hit the ground (oh, oh)
Only sound, only sound that you hear is "no"
You never saw it coming
Except when you started runnning
And now you come undone (I, I, I)
Seen you fall, seen you crawl on you knees (eh, eh)
Seen you lost in a crowd, seen you colors fade
Wish I could make it better
Someday you won't remember,
This pain you thought would last forever and ever
There you stand, ten feet tall
I will say, "I knew it all along"
Your eyes are wider than distance
This life is sweeter than fiction
Just a shot, just a shot in the dark (oh, oh)
All you got, all you got are your shattered hopes
They never saw it coming
You hit the ground running
And now you're on to something
I, I, I say
What a sight, what a sight when the light came on
Put me right, threw me right when you put them front
And in this perfect weather
It's like we don't remember
The rain we thought would last forever and ever
There you stand, ten feet tall
I will say, "I knew it all along"
Your eyes are wider than distance
This life is sweeter than fiction There you stand, next to me
All at once, the rest is history
Your eyes are wider than distance
This life is sweeter than fiction, fiction
I'll be one of the many saying
Look at you now, look at you now, now
I'll be one of the many saying
You've made us proud, you've made us proud
I'll be one of the many saying
Look at you now, look at you now, now
I'll be one of the many saying
You've made us proud, you've made us proud, proud
And when they call your name
And they put your picture in a frame
You know that I'll be there time and again
'Cause I loved you when
When you hit the ground, hit the ground, hit the ground, oh oh
Only sound, only sound that you heard was "no"
Now in this perfect weather
It's like we don't remember
The rain we thought would last forever and ever
There you stand, ten feet tall
I will say, "I knew it all along"
Your eyes are wider than distance
This life is sweeter than fiction
There you stand, next to me
All at once, the rest is history
Your eyes are wider than distance
This life is sweeter than fiction, fiction


taylor swift sweeter than fiction
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