Pink Martini Donde Estas Yolanda

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Donde Estas YolandaPink Martini

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Pink Martini - Donde Estas Yolanda დამატებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიაში!
Pink Martini - Donde Estas Yolanda ამოღებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიიდან!
დარეგისტრირდით ან შედით თქვენს საყვარელ მუსიკალურ სიაში დასამატებლად!

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ხანგრძლივობა: 03:25 განზომილება: 3.14 Mb ჩამოტვირთვები: 0 ხედები: 6



Pink Martini Donde Estas Yolanda Ტექსტი

Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Tus ojos me miraron
Tus labios me besaron
Con ese fuego ardiente
Ardiente de mujer
La luz de tu mirada
El fuego de tus labios
Flecharon a mi pecho y de ti me enamore
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Me dicen que paseabas
En un carro Yolanda
Muy guapa y arrogante
Y todos te silbaban
Si un dia te encontrara
No se que puedo hacer
No se me vuelvo loco
Si ya no te vuelvo a ver
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Donde estas, donde estas, Yolanda
Que paso, que paso, Yolanda
Te busque, te busque, Yolanda
Y no estas, y no estas Yolanda
Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Your eyes watched Your lips to me kissed to me With that Ardent ardent fire of woman The light of your glance the fire of your Flecharon lips to my chest and of you enamors to me Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Dikedikeda! Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda They say to me that you took a walk In Very handsome and arrogant a Yolanda car and all they whistled to you. If a day found you Not that I can do Not I return crazy If no longer I return to see you Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda Where these, where these, Yolanda That step, that step, Yolanda it looks for to You, looks for to you, Yolanda and not these, and not these Yolanda


pink martini donde estas yolanda
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