Fall Out Boy Thriller

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ThrillerFall Out Boy

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Fall Out Boy - Thriller დამატებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიაში!
Fall Out Boy - Thriller ამოღებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიიდან!
დარეგისტრირდით ან შედით თქვენს საყვარელ მუსიკალურ სიაში დასამატებლად!

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Fall Out Boy Thriller Ტექსტი

Fall Out Boy Thriller Şarkı Sözleri
Yeah, what you critics said would never happen
We dedicate this album to anybody people said couldn't make it
To the fans that held us down 'till everybody came around
Welcome, it's here
That summer we took threes across the board 
But by fall we were a cover story 
Now in storesMake us poster boys in your scene 
But we are not making an acceptance speech 
I have found the safest place to keep all of our mistakes 
Every dot-com's refreshing for a journal update 
So long live the car-crash hearts 
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life 
Fix me in 45 
So long live the car-crash hearts 
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life 
Fix me in 45 
I can take your problems away 
With a nod and a wave of my hand 
'Cause that's just the kind of boy that I am
The only thing I haven't done yet is die 
And it's me and my plus one in the afterlife 
Crowds are won and lost and won again 
But our hearts beat for the diehards 
So long live the car-crash hearts 
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life 
Fix me in 45 
So long live the car-crash hearts 
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life 
Fix me in 45 
Long live the car-crash hearts 
Long live the car-crash hearts
(Long live the car-crash hearts)
Long live the car-crash hearts 
Long live the car-crash hearts 
Long live the car-crash hearts 
Cry on the couch all the poets come to life 
Fix me in 45 


fall out boy thriller
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