Darin Money For Nothing

მოუსმინეთ ონლაინ

Money For NothingDarin

Მუსიკის გადმოწერა

დასაკრავ სიაში დამატება
Darin - Money For Nothing დამატებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიაში!
Darin - Money For Nothing ამოღებულია საყვარელი მუსიკის სიიდან!
დარეგისტრირდით ან შედით თქვენს საყვარელ მუსიკალურ სიაში დასამატებლად!

Შესვლა ან Შექმენი ანგარიში
ხანგრძლივობა: 03:06 განზომილება: 2.86 Mb ჩამოტვირთვები: 0 ხედები: 62


სიმღერაზე კომენტარი არ გაკეთებულა. გააკეთე პირველი კომენტარი!

Darin Money For Nothing Ტექსტი

People tell me that I just daydream and waste my time, ohh
But there´s really nothing that´s gonna change my mind, cause I´m doing just fine
Stop complaining ´cause I´m just trying to live my life
(I do what I want and that´s my reason to get up in the morning)
Hey, I´m just playing around
Messing around with the sound
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
(Hey) Is it ´cause I´m just having fun
(hey) Or cause I get enough jobtime
Hey, why do you want to call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
I´m not made for getting paid for nine to five, oh no (no no no)
I´m just good at it what I´m doing if it feels right
You can say what you like
All I´m saying is I´m just playing with things I like
Baby what I got coming, and they call it money for nothing
Hey, I´m just playing around
Messing around with the sound
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
(Hey) Is it ´cause I´m just having fun?
(hey) Or cause I get enough jobtime?
Hey, why do you want to call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
People tell me I just can´t keep chasing dreams in life
(I do what I want and that´s my reason to get up in the morning)
That don´t face me ´cause in the end at least I tried
Give me what I got coming, and they call it money for nothing
Hey, I´m just playing around
Messing around with the sound
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
(Hey) Is it ´cause I´m just having fun?
(hey) Or cause I get enough jobtime?
Hey, why do you want to call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
Hey, I´m just playing around
Messing around with the sound
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
(Hey) Is it ´cause I´m just having fun?
(hey) Or cause I get enough jobtime?
Hey, why do you want to call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
Hey, is that what you call it
Money for nothing, money for nothing
Hey, I´m not getting my money for nothing, money for nothing


darin money for nothing
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