Benjamin Ingrosso I'll Be Fine Somehow

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I'll Be Fine SomehowBenjamin Ingrosso

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Benjamin Ingrosso I'll Be Fine Somehow Ტექსტი

I can't say I'm sorry
'Cause I'm a little insecure
I wanted this for so long
But now I'm not that sure
I never cried in front of you
And now I'm soaked in all these tears
But you can't shed one drop for me
Yeah, I read you loud and clear
I miss the way that you feel but I won't miss the way I felt
And it's gonna hurt when I see you again kissing someone else
You don't have to ask me when we run into each other if I'm better now
You know I'll be fine somehow
Half-drunk feelings sent again
Maybe just this once, I guess
'Cause you know I love to hear you breathe
With my name on your breath
I miss the way that you feel but I won't miss the way I felt
And it's gonna hurt when I see you again kissing someone else
You don't have to ask me when we run into each other if I'm better now
You know I'll be fine somehow
Although you had a smoke
I smell Dolce & Gabbana
We're laying on the lawn outside
Yeah, probably the last time
We're sitting in the yard
Looking so beautiful tonight
I miss the way that you feel but I won't miss the way I felt
And it's gonna hurt when I see you again kissing someone else
You don't have to ask me when we run into each other if I'm better now
You know I'll be fine somehow
I can't say I'm sorry
'Cause I'm a little insecure
I wanted this for so long


benjamin ingrosso ill fine somehow
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