Zedd feat Alessia Cara-Stay

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feat Alessia Cara-StayZedd

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Temps: 03:32 Taille: 3.26 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 90


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Zedd feat Alessia Cara-Stay Paroles de chanson

Waiting for the time to pass you by
Hope the winds of change will change your mind
I could give a thousand reasons why
And I know you, and you've got to
Make it on your own, but we don't have to grow up
We can stay forever young
Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola
Underneath the rising sun
I could give a thousand reasons why
But you're going, and you know that
All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is
All you have to do is stay
Won't admit what I already know
I've never been the best at letting go
I don't wanna spend the night alone
Guess I need you, and I need to
Make it on my own, but I don't wanna grow up
We can stay forever young
Living on my sofa, drinking rum and cola
Underneath the rising sun
I could give a million reasons why
But you're going, and you know that
All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is
All you have to do is stay
All you have to do is stay
So stay, yeah
All you have to do is stay a minute
Just take your time
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is wait a second
Your hands on mine
The clock is ticking, so stay
All you have to do is stay

Mots clés

zedd feat alessia cara stay
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