Wiz Khalifa Never Lie

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Never LieWiz Khalifa

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Wiz Khalifa Never Lie Paroles de chanson

I can see it in your eyes, they never lie
Hearing rumors floatin', why I'm not surprised?
I can tell you're dying deep inside
Showing love is something maybe you should try
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your
I could see you niggas from afar
Try to hide it but I know just who you are
Nigga, we ain't got no ties
I could see through your disguise
My chain real bright, my lil' bitch right
My niggas on sight, we never gon' hide
And niggas don't bite and I know why
When you see me, you get mad, you wish that I was doing bad and
I can see it in your eyes, they never lie
Hearing rumors floatin', why I'm not surprised?
I can tell you're dying deep inside
Showing love is something maybe you should try
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life (that's all you know how to do?)
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your
Big speak, we're here to tell you, better get your shit together
You can't get no money trying to live off hate forever
I'm full of that midnight Patek
Floating light as a feather
Walked in iced out
Made it rain, I changed the weather
Soon as you pop, get a buzz
That's when they stop showing love
Done rapping for some validation
All the hate just tired of being wasted
Diamonds on my chest not to flex on you
Wanna make it to the top, shit nigga me too
I'm a killer with the truth
I can see it in your eyes, they never lie
Hearing rumors floatin', why I'm not surprised?
I can tell you're dying deep inside
Showing love is something maybe you should try
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your life
All your fucking life, all your fucking life, all your fucking life
Shouldn't be a hater all your fucking life

Mots clés

wiz khalifa never lie
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