Tove Lo Cool Girl

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Cool GirlTove Lo

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Temps: 03:19 Taille: 3.06 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 6

Tove Lo - Cool Girl - Videoclip

Temps: 03:19 Taille: 29.27 Mb Format: .mp4 Téléchargements: 0 Vues: 6


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Tove Lo Cool Girl Paroles de chanson

You can run free, I won't hold it against ya
You do your thing, never wanted a future
Fuck if I knew how to put it romantic
Speaking my truth, there's no need to panic
No, let's not put a label on it
Let's keep it fun
We don't put a label on it
So we can run free, yeah
I wanna be free like you
I'm a, I'm a, I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
Rules you don't like, but you're still gonna keep 'em
Said you want fines for whatever reason
Show we can chill, try and keep it platonic
Now you can't tell if I'm really ironic
No, let's not put a label on it
Let's keep it fun
We don't put a label on it
So we can run free, yeah
I wanna be free like you
I'm a, I'm a, I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I got fever highs
I got boiling blood
I'm that fire kind
We could burn together
I'm a, I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Too cool for you
I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
I'm a I'm a cool girl, I'm a, I'm a cool girl
Ice cold, I roll my eyes at you, boy

Mots clés

tove cool girl
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