Topic feat Rene Miller-Keep On Loving

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Topic feat Rene Miller-Keep On Loving Paroles de chanson

There'll be a time
Where you and I
Have nothing left to talk about
I'll bring you down
You'll bring me down
We'll always make it back somehow

Through the darkest days, the bad weather
Promise you can lean on me
As long as we're in this together
Nowhere else I'd rather be

And if the world comes down on you
I will keep on loving, loving you
When the sun won't shine for you
I will keep on loving, loving you
Keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
Ooh, I'll keep on loving you
I will keep on loving, loving you

I'll keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
Keep on loving you

There'll be a time
For you and I
When nothing feels the same no more
We're starting fights
And make it right
And wonder what we do this for

Through the darkest days, the bad weather
Promise you can lean on me
As long as we're in this together
Nowhere else I'd rather be

And if the world comes down on you
I will keep on loving, loving you
When the sun won't shine for you
I will keep on loving, loving you
Keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
Ooh, I'll keep on loving you
I will keep on loving, loving you

I'll keep on loving you
I'll keep on loving you
Keep on loving you
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