The Weeknd Wanderlust

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WanderlustThe Weeknd

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Temps: 05:07 Taille: 4.70 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 16



The Weeknd Wanderlust Paroles de chanson

Is it so hard to say the same thing?

And you're so weak to say the same thing

Burn a hole into your apprehensivenessAnd let the wildfire shine

And repeat after me

Good girls go to heaven

And bad girls go everywhere

And tonight I will love you

And tomorrow you won't care

(Precious little diamond)

(I leave it all to you)

(Precious little diamond)

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little, precious little diamond)

(I leave it all to you)

(Precious little diamond)

(Let it come to you)

You're in love with something bigger than love

You believe in something stronger than trust



Don't you shy away from me

Just sacrifice your every last inhibition

I'm on your side

Don't patronize

You know tonight

Is the only time we'll have each other

Why would you try to waste this precious time?

'Cause tonight I'll be right here

And tomorrow you won't care

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(I leave it all to you)

I leave it all to you

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little, precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(I leave it all to you)

I leave it all to you

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

You're in love with something bigger than love

You believe in something stronger than trust



They're in love with this idea of love

It's a shame that they believe it will come

For us all, for us all

You're in love with something bigger than love

You believe in something stronger than trust



(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(I leave it all to you)

I leave it all to you

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(I leave it all to you)

I leave it all to you

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little diamond)

(I leave it all to you)

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little, precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(I leave it all to you)

I leave it all to you

(Precious little diamond)

Precious little diamond

(Let it come to you)

(Precious little diamond)

Mots clés

the weeknd wanderlust
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