The Weeknd Tears In The Rain

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Tears In The RainThe Weeknd

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Temps: 07:25 Taille: 6.81 Mb Téléchargements : 1 Vues: 127


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The Weeknd Tears In The Rain Paroles de chanson

They all feel the same
Adjust to the fame
'Cause no one will love you like her
It's pointless
Like tears in the rain

So now that she's gone
Embrace all that come
And die with a smile, you
Don't show the world how alone you've become

They all feel the same
Adjust to the fame
'Cause no one will love you like her
It's pointless
Like tears in the rain
Like tears in the rain
When it's said and done

I already felt love
And I let it end up
End up dying by itself
And when it's said and done

You were better off
You deserve real love
And I deserve to be by myself
'Cause I've gone too far

And I started too young
To give up
And even if I changed
It would be too late
I exposed my ways
Now every girl I touch (they all feel the same)
Adjust to the fame
'Cause no one will love you like her

It's pointless
Like tears in the rain
So now that she's gone
Embrace all that come
And die with a smile, you
Don't show the world how alone you've become
Alone you've become

They all feel the same
I should've let you leave
I let you watch me slip away
I could've set you free
I'm selfish
I watched you stay
She has no recollection
Of the life she had without me

She let it slip away, away, away
So sad it had to be this
She forgot the good things about me
She let it slip away, away, away
She has no recollection
Of the life she had without me
She let it slip away, away, away
So sad it had to be this
She forgot the good things about me
She let it slip away, away, away (They all feel the same)
Adjust to the fame
'Cause no one will love you like her
It's pointless
Like tears in the rain
So now that she's gone
Embrace all that come
And die with a smile, you
Don't show the world how alone you've become
They all feel the same
Adjust to the fame
'Cause no one will love you like her
It's pointless
Like tears in the rain
So now that she's gone
Embrace all that come
And die with a smile, you
Don't show the world how alone you've become
She has no recollection
Of the life she had without me
She let it slip away, away, away
So sad it had to be this
She forgot the good things about me
She let it slip away, away, away

Mots clés

the weeknd tears the rain
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