The Weeknd Real Life

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Real LifeThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd Real Life Paroles de chanson

Tell 'em this boy wasn't meant for lovin'
Tell 'em this heart doesn't stay to one
I'll be the same, never changed for nothin'It's all I know, never learned much more

Mama called me destructive, oh yeah
Said it'd ruin me one day, yeah
'Cause every woman that loved me, oh yeah
I seemed to push them away

That's real life, oh oh oh
Real life, ooh
Mama talking that real life, oh oh oh
That real life, real life, real life, real life

I know you don't really understand it
I'm not allowed to regret my choice
I heard that love is a risk worth taking
I wouldn't know, never been that boy

Mama called me destructive, oh yeah
Said it'd ruin me one day, yeah
'Cause every woman that loved me, oh yeah
I seemed to push them away

That's real life, oh oh oh
Real life, ooh
Mama talking that real life, oh oh oh
That real life, real life, real life, real life

Heaven only lets a few in
(Heaven only lets a few in)
It's too late for me to choose it
(It's too late for me to choose it)
Don't waste precious tears on me
I'm not worth the misery
I'm better off when I'm alone

That's real life, oh oh oh
Real life, ooh
Mama talking that real life, oh oh oh
That real life, real life, real life, real life

That's real life, oh oh oh
Real life, ooh
Mama talking that real life, oh oh oh
Yeah, yeah, real life, real life, real life, real life

Mots clés

the weeknd real life
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