The Weeknd Lonely Star

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Lonely StarThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd Lonely Star Paroles de chanson

If, all I could say is if
Promise me you won't regret me like the tattoos on my skin
Like the wrong kindPromise me you'll all love me one day you'll remember me
When you fuck them you'll see my face
My body is yours
Happy Thursday

It seems like pain and regret
Are your best friends
Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh, yeah
'Cause everything you do leads to them
Right, right, right
Yeah, but baby, I could be your best friend
Baby, I could fuck you right

Baby, you can have it all
Ooh, whoah
Baby, you can have it all
Ooh, yeah
Baby, you can have the cars, the clothes
The jewels, the sex, the house
Baby, you could be a star
Oh, yeah

Baby, you can have it all
Baby, you can have it all
Baby, you can have the cars, the clothes
The jewels, the sex, the house
Baby, you could be a star

You're blaming all your sins
On your best friends
Ooh-ooh-ooh, oh, yeah
And nothing's ever ever your fault
And nothing's your fault, baby
But baby, you don't need
Your best friends
Woah, woah, woah, oh-ooh, yeah
'Cause I got everything you want
Hoo-ooh, ayy, yeah

Baby, you can have it all
Ooh, baby
Baby, you can have it all
Ooh, yeah
Baby, you can have the cars, the clothes
The jewels, the sex, the house
Baby, you could be a star
Baby, you could be a star

Baby, you can have it all
Baby, you can have it all
Baby, you can have the cars, the clothes
The jewels, the sex, the house
Baby, you could be a star
Oh, yeah

If, all I could say is if
Promise me you won't regret me like the tattoos on my skin
Let the wrong doing come with me
One day I'm hoping that you will remember me
When you fuck them you'll see my face
My body is yours
Give them any other day but Thursday
You belong to me every Thursday
I'll wait for you
I'll be beautiful for you
Every Thursday
I exist only on Thursday

Not on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
But on Thursday, Thursday
Not on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
But on Thursday

I love the guitars

Mots clés

the weeknd lonely star
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