The Weeknd In The Night

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In The NightThe Weeknd

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The Weeknd In The Night Paroles de chanson

All alone she was living

In a world without an end or beginning

Babygirl was living life for the feelingBut I don't mind, I don't mind

And all the wrongs she committed

She was numb and she was so co-dependent

She was young and all she had was the city

But I don't mind, I don't mind

And I know that she's capable of anything, it's riveting

But when you wake up she's always gone, gone, gone

In the night she hears him calling

In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

In the night when she comes crawling

Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

He sang a song when he did it

He was cold and he was so unforgiving

Now she dances to the song on the minute

Yeah, all the time, all the time

It make her weak when she hear it

And it got her on her knees like religion

She was young and she was forced to be a woman

Yeah, all the time, all the time

And I know that she's capable of anything, it's riveting

But when you wake up she's always gone, gone, gone

In the night she hears him calling

In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

In the night when she comes crawling

Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

I don't think you understand...

In the night she hears him calling

In the night she's dancing to relieve the pain

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

In the night when she comes crawling

Dollar bills and tears keep falling down her face

She'll never walk away (I don't think you understand)

Mots clés

the weeknd the night
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