The Neighbourhood Staying Up

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Staying UpThe Neighbourhood

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The Neighbourhood Staying Up Paroles de chanson

 The Neighbourhood Staying Up Şarkı Sözleri No food to eat, all the money's been wasted from last week
I can't even leave, so I sleep in the basement, making up rap beats
Hot cup of tea, it's four o'clock in the middle of the night, and I can't sleep
It's all on the peak, so bad I can taste it while it eats me
How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there 
Some part of me feels a little bit naked and empty
I'm stuck underneath a few dirty old blankets to comfort me
How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there
How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there
And there's a light, and I can see why I'm still alive
Mommy won't lie, cause if she did, I would've died
All the time I sit and try, you think I'd be down
Every night, I'm sick and why, oh, I'm staying up this time
How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there 
How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares
How can it be?
I still believe something is out there
Please.We’re gonna die, die, die…
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