The Neighbourhood Let it Go

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Let it GoThe Neighbourhood

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The Neighbourhood Let it Go Paroles de chanson

The Neighbourhood Let It Go Şarkı Sözleri
I'm from a little city with expensive tastes
Where the cars don't burn 'til the engine breaks
Wasn't spending pennies on a mess of things
But invested and messed with this recipe
Couldn't quite see what the future held
And as days went by, it would tell itself
Let it struggle just a little bit more
Let it struggle just a little bit more
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go 
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go
Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better
Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and ever
Don't ever resent a letter inside a single word written
A little change can pave lanes with the right vision
Couldn't tell what would happen next
But as weeks went by, good would turn to best
Let it struggle just a little more
Let it struggle just a little bit more, mm-mm
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go
If what they said was all pretend, then it'd be different
If it depended on if anyone was listening
And I was listening
And when they said that what I wanted was a figment,
I had to turn the other cheek, but I was listening
Yeah I was listening, listening to all 
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go!
Remember what the people say
Remember what the people say
When it's said and done
Let it go!
Remember what the people say (Oh, at all, at all)
Remember what the people say (Oh, at all, at all)
I wasn't listening
I wasn't listening, listening at all
Remember what the people said (Oh, at all, at all)
Remember what the people said (Oh, at all, at all)
Oh, I wasn't listening
I wasn't listening, listening at all
At all,
At all,
At all

Mots clés

the neighbourhood let
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