The Neighbourhood How

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HowThe Neighbourhood

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The Neighbourhood How Paroles de chanson

The Neighbourhood How Şarkı Sözleri
How could you question God's existence 
when you question God himself?
Why would you ask for God's assistance 
if you wouldn't take the help?
If you're gone, then I need you
If you're gone, then how is any of this real?
When I'm on, I believe you
When I'm not, my knees don't even seem to feel 
How could you tell me that I'm great
When they chew me up, spit me out, pissed on me?
Why would you tell me that it's fate
When they laughed at me, every day, in my face?
They say the end is coming sooner
But the end's already here
I said today is but a rumor
That we'll laugh at in a year
Or two, or three, or four, or five, whatever
If you're gone, then I need you
If you're gone, then how is any of this real?
When I'm on, I believe you
When I'm not, my knees don't even seem to feel
How could you tell me that I'm great
When they chew me up, spit me out, pissed on me?
Why would you tell me that it's fate
When they laughed at me, every day, in my face?
How could you tell me that I'm great
When they chew me up, spit me out, pissed on me?
Why would you tell me that it's fate
When they laughed at me, every day, in my face? 
How could you tell me that I'm great?
How could you tell me that it's fate?

Mots clés

the neighbourhood how
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