Tate McRae Bad Ones

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Bad OnesTate McRae

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Tate McRae Bad Ones Paroles de chanson

You say that you've been missing me

Every single time we're not together

And I know that I've been gone from everything

But I needed that

Say you wish that you were kissing me

It comes outta nowhere, whenever

But I'm kinda sick and tired, you're so selfish

Say that I'm not coming back to you

But wait, don't leave

Hate that it's so easy for you

Wait, I can't see

Try to walk away

I keep falling for the bad ones

The always-make-me-sad ones

Trying hard to hold my ground

But it always ties me down, yeah, the bad ones

Way too good at falling for the bad ones

You're really good at tricking me

Making me believe I'm not enough

And I'm always so confident

Till you come and trip me up

Why you so caught up with fixing me?

You know that's something that I really hate

You're the only thing about me that should change

You're my one mistake

But wait, don't leave

Hate that it's so easy for you

Wait, I can't see

Try to walk away

I keep falling for the bad ones

The always-make-me-sad ones

Trying hard to hold my ground

But it always ties me down, yeah, the bad ones

Way too good at falling for the bad ones

Way too good at falling for the bad ones

But wait, don't leave

Hate that it's so easy for you

Wait, I can't see

Try to walk away

Trying hard to hold my ground

But it always ties me down, yeah, the bad ones

Way too good at falling for the bad ones

Way too good at falling for the bad ones

Mots clés

tate mcrae bad ones
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