Shawn Mendes If I Cant Have You

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If I Cant Have YouShawn Mendes

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Shawn Mendes If I Cant Have You Paroles de chanson

I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I'm in Toronto and I got this view
But I might as well be in a hotel room, yeah
It doesn't matter 'cause I'm so consumed
Spending all my nights reading texts from you
Oh, I'm good at keepin' my distance
I know that you're the feelin' I'm missing
You know that I hate to admit it
But everything means nothin' if I can't have you
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I'm so sorry that my timing's off
But I can't move on if we're still gonna talk
Is it wrong for me to not want half?
I want all of you, all the strings attached
Oh, I'm good at keepin' my distance
I know that you're the feelin' I'm missing
You know that I hate to admit it
But everything means nothin' if I can't have you
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I'm trying to move on
Forget you, but I hold on
Everything means nothing
Everything means nothing, babe
I'm trying to move on
Forget you, but I hold on
Everything means nothing if I can't have you, no
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?
I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?

Mots clés

shawn mendes cant have you
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