Selena Gomez It Ain't Me

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It Ain't MeSelena Gomez

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Selena Gomez It Ain't Me Paroles de chanson

I had a dream

We were sipping whiskey neat

Highest floor, The BoweryNowhere's high enough

Somewhere along the lines

We stopped seeing eye to eye

You were staying out all night

And I had enough

No, I don't wanna know

Where you been or where you're goin'

But I know I won't be home

And you'll be on your own

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

Who's gonna rock you

When the sun won't let you sleep?

Who's waking up to drive you home

When you're drunk and all alone?

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

I had a dream

We were back to seventeen

Summer nights and The Libertines

Never growing up

I'll take with me

The polaroids and the memories

But you know I'm gonna leave

Behind the worst of us

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

Who's gonna rock you

When the sun won't let you sleep?

Who's waking up to drive you home

When you're drunk and all alone?

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me, no no

It ain't me, no no

It ain't me, no no

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, it ain't me, I'm so grateful)

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

(Na-na-na, Bowery, na-na-na, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)

It ain't me

Mots clés

selena gomez aint
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