Seal Waiting For You

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Waiting For YouSeal

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Temps: 03:38 Taille: 3.35 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 10



Seal Waiting For You Paroles de chanson

Everyday a shade of blue
You won't believe
What I'm going through
It just feels like I can't afford to let myself go
No oh no
Everyone is just the same
They touch me
But I can't say
There has been no one brighter than you
I can't deny these things that I do
Feels like the world's at stake 'cause
I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you
Heavenly that's what you are
You're burning me like a shining star
How am I supposed to be that king without you
Oh it's true yeah
Everyone is just the same
They love me
But I can't say
There has been no one brighter than you
I can't deny these things that I do
Feels like the world's at stake yeah
I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you
Yeah, yeah
There has been no one brighter than you
I can't deny these things that I do
Feels like the world's at stake 'cause
I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you
I have seen no light brighter than you
And I can't deny these things that I do
Feels like the world's at stake yeah
I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you, yeah for you
Everyday I sit down and I feel like I'm waiting
For you
I've been waiting for you
For you
I have been waiting
I have been waiting for you

Mots clés

seal waiting for you
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