Scorpions Rollin Home

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Rollin HomeScorpions

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Temps: 04:04 Taille: 3.74 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 10



Scorpions Rollin Home Paroles de chanson

Way back in the days
It feels so long ago
But I remember it well
Always looking for a pot of gold
An old beat-up van
We would drive from gig to gig
I wonder how we survived
But we were on to something big
Now it's time to move along
We're packing this bus to leave and carry on
Here we go
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
You gotta make it or break
I always knew that we were strong
No matter what was said
We wouldn't argue for too long
And when it hit me hard
I thought I can't go on, no more
But at the end of the day
You really know what friends are for
Now it's time to move along
The wheels keep turning round, we'll carry on
Here we go
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock
This rock is rollin' home
This rock
This rock is rollin' home
Now it's time to move along
We're packing this bus to leave and carry on
Carry on, we carry on
This rock is rollin' home
Here we go
This rock
This rock is rollin' home
This rock
This rock is rollin' home
Rollin' home
This rock is rollin' home
This rock
This rock is rollin' home

Mots clés

scorpions rollin home
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