Sami Yusuf Sallou

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Sami Yusuf Sallou Paroles de chanson

Sami Yusuf Sallou Şarkı Sözleri

Shatamuh, shatamuh
Shatamuhu lamma jahiluh
Tabi'uhu lamma arafuhu
Maa aghlaah, a'laah
(They insulted him when they didn't know him
They became his followers when they truly knew him
How precious and how lofty is he)

Shatamuh, shatamuh
Shatamuhu lamma jahiluh
Tabi'uhu lamma arafu hudah
(They insulted him when they didn't know him
They became his followers when they knew his guidance)

Shadowless in my dreams
I search for you near and far
Cos your the one I want to see
Face to face with me

You make me spin and whirl
Like the tip of your curl
Only so to fall
By your side

Make me want to risk it all
Everything of my world
Only to stand tall
By your side

Looking at the moon bright
I escape into the desert night
Seeing you insight
For a while

Time becomes like a breeze
Underneath the palm tree
Hand in hand you and me
With your smile
Smile, smile, smile

Shatamuh, shatamuh
Shatamuhu lamma jahiluh
Tabi'uhu lamma arafuhu maa
(They insulted him when they didn't know him
They became his followers when they truly knew him, how)

Shatamuh, shatamuh
Shatamuhu lamma jahiluh

Tabi'uhu lamma arafu hudah (They insulted him when they didn't know him
They became his followers when they knew his guidance)

Sen benim nazli yarimsin
Sen benim gozbebegimsin
Sana gonulden baglanmisim ben
Sen en sevdigim sevdicegimsin
Ben seni bir gul gibi koklar¦m
Ask¦nla tutusur ask¦nla yanarim
Hep seni arar seni sorarim
Sana varmak icin hayal kurar¦m
(You, my delicate Beloved
You, the apple of my eye
Tied to you, at the heart
You are my deepest love, my Beloved
Inhaling your scent, just like smelling a rose
Burning inside, with the fire of your love
I always look for, and ask of you
Always dream of reaching you)

Tera tasawur mera he sakoon hai
Tera nam leana mera hai janoon
Woh metee batein teree hee soonoo mein
Duniyah boora maa ne tho mein kya karoo
(The very mention of you. Becomes my tranquility
To take your name, it becomes my sanity
Those sweet conversation of yours I would listen too
If the world deems them offensive. What do I care)

I need you in my life, like the air with which I breathe
So let them say what they want to say
It's the same game they always play
Your love means more to me than they
It makes no difference either way
Let them say what they want to say
It makes no difference either way
Your love means more to me than they
It's a game, it's a game, it's a game
It's a game they're always going to
Play, play, play, play, play

Arabic Lyrics: Shaykh Zakaria Siddiqi
English Lyrics (first part): Waheed Shabbir
English Lyrics (last part): Sami Yusuf
Urdu Lyrics: Ustadh Mehboob
Turkish Lyrics: Mustafa Demirci
Melody: Sami Yusuf

Mots clés

sami yusuf sallou
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