Sam Feldt feat Lucas, Steve, Wulf-Summer On You

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feat Lucas, Steve, Wulf-Summer On YouSam Feldt

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Temps: 02:40 Taille: 2.45 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 62


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Sam Feldt feat Lucas, Steve, Wulf-Summer On You Paroles de chanson

We were in love with the sun
We were in love with the sun, sippin' on coke and rum
Way head up in the clouds but when I look back nowAin't nothing else I would do
When I spend the summer on you
Our troubles all under rocks
Our troubles all under rocks, filling our plastic cups
Don't bother if inside we spend those long hot nights
Until the sky turned blue
When I spend the summer on you
I spend the summer on you
When I spend the summer on you
Most things in life ain't free
Most things in life ain't free but you were all that I need
My feet down in the sand, you take the watch from my hand
And said, "It's no more use"
When I spend the summer on you
We were in love with the sun
We were in love with the sun, sippin' a coke and rum
You asked me, "Are you sure? 'Cause I can not be returned"
And so I make my move
When I spend the summer on you
When I spend the summer on you
And when I look back on those days
There's not a thing that I would change
So when the year is through
I'll be right here to spend the summer on you
When I spend the summer on you
When I spend the summer on you
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