Rita Ora The One (feat Imanbek)

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The One (feat Imanbek)Rita Ora

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Rita Ora The One (feat Imanbek) Paroles de chanson

Known right from the start
Can't love somebody with a broken heart
You kissed away all of my scars
I watched you fall when I should have cut it off

I wish I could go back, tell you to run
Wish I could go there and make you move on
I always knew I could hurt someone
But I hate that you had to be the one

The one, the one, the one, the one, the one
I hate that you had to be the one
The one, the one, the one, the onе, the one
I hate that you had to bе

Your hands on me felt like relief
You held me close like I was yours to keep, yeah
So now I know, yeah, if you love 'em let them go
'Cause hurt people will hurt people

I wish I could go back, tell you to run
Wish I could go there and make you move on
I always knew I could hurt someone
But I hate that you had to be the one

The one, the one, the one, the one, the one
I hate that you had to be the one
The one, the one, the one, the one, the one
I hate that you had to be the one

Wanted your, wanted your touch to save me
Wanted it too, but it didn't change me
Sorry, you're sorry you even met me at all
Wanted your, wanted your touch to save me
Wanted it too, but it didn't change me
Sorry, you're sorry you even met me at all

I wish I could go back, tell you to run
Wish I could go there and make you move on
I always knew I could hurt someone
But I hate that you had to be the one

The one, the one, the one, the one, the one
I hate that you had to be the one
The one, the one, the one, the one, the one
I hate that you had to be the one

Mots clés

rita ora the one feat imanbek
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