Rihanna Never Ending

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Never EndingRihanna

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Temps: 03:22 Taille: 3.10 Mb Téléchargements : 2 Vues: 114


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Rihanna Never Ending Paroles de chanson

Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I separate from here and now
A drug and a dream
A lost connection, oh, come back to me
So I can feel alive again
As soul and body try to mend
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never-ending
I slipped into a parallel
They'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
Why does it have to feel so strange
To be in love again, be in love again, be in love again?
Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I separate from here and now
It's pulling me apart, this time
Everything is never-ending
I slipped into a parallel
They'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
Why does it have to feel so strange?
To be in love again, be in love again, be in love again?

Mots clés

rihanna never ending
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