Red Hot Chili Peppers Scar Tissue

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Scar TissueRed Hot Chili Peppers

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Temps: 03:40 Taille: 3.38 Mb Téléchargements : 12 Vues: 186


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Red Hot Chili Peppers Scar Tissue Paroles de chanson

Red Hot Chili Peppers Scar Tissue Sözleri

Scar tissue that I wish you saw.
Sarcastic Mr. Know-It-All.
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you cause with the birds I'll share.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.

Push me up,
Against the wall.
Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra.
Falling all,
Over myself to lick your heart and taste your health 'cause.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view.

Blood loss in a bathroom stall;
A Southern girl with a scarlet drawl,
Wave goodbye to Ma and Pa 'cause with the birds I'll share.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah. With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.

Soft spoken with a broken jaw;
Step outside but not to brawl.
Autumn's sweet;
We call it "fall".
I'll make it to the moon if i have to crawl
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view.

Scar tissue that I wish you saw.
Sarcastic Mr. Know-It-All....
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you cause with the birds I'll share.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view yeah.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view....

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