Ragn Bone Man Guilty

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GuiltyRagn Bone Man

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Temps: 03:34 Taille: 3.28 Mb Téléchargements : 0 Vues: 10


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Ragn Bone Man Guilty Paroles de chanson

Seven in the morning and I'm lying in my bed
A million ways to hurt you running round and round my head
I won't feel guilty for that
I won't feel guilty for that
no no no
Everything about you that was good is now erased
Only remnants of you is that aweful bitter taste
I won't feel guilty for that
I won't feel guilty for that
no no no
Give me one good reason
why I should not be thinking of leaving you now
maybe I'm just foolish but I can finally see your true color now
You're blacker than black
You're colder than ice
and I don't know who you are
You're blacker than black
You're colder than ice
and I don't know who you are
All I know is I don't feel it anymore
I don't need to try cuz I don't need you anymore
need you anymore
Give me one good reason
why I should not be thinking of leaving you now
maybe I'm just foolish but I can finally see your true colors now
You're blacker than black
You're colder than ice
and I don't know who you are
You're blacker than black
You're colder than ice
and I don't know who you are
blacker than black (blacker than black)
colder than ice (colder than ice)
and I don't know who you are
blacker than black (blacker than black)
colder than ice (colder than ice)
and I don't know who you are

Mots clés

ragn bone man guilty
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